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Review Cheap Infrared Thermometer Laser

I just purchased this Infrared Thermometer Laser at a local Discount Auto Parts store. The clerk behind the counter didn't know what it was, so, I gave him a brief explanation. After, he asked what part of my car I'd be using it on, and I said, "My cast iron skillet." He started to laugh. I explained that I would be using this to measure my cooking surfaces, so I could get The Perfect Sear. The clerk scratched his head, and then the light went on.

I bought this Infrared Thermometer Laser to see just how "HIGH" the high setting on my stove was. My gut told me it was well above the 500F mark. To my surprise, my stovetop, single burner glass-top, was reaching 900F. I now have an accurate breakdown of all temperatures between 250 and 900F thanks to this great tool. Actron Infrared Thermometer Laser, good work.

6 Ways To Take Your Child's Temperature - Which Is Best?

As a parent you'll most likely know what it's like to be wake in the middle of the night to find your little one flushed, hot and sweaty. A hot forehead could mean a fever. So what's the best to find out for sure? Whenever you take your child's temperature make sure you stay with him or her the whole time and put the thermometer away afterwards so they don't play with it.

1. Rectal - This is still the most reliable and accurate it reads the core body temperature. It's used as the "gold standard" by many medical authorities but not very popular with kids! This method is mainly used for babies, less than 3 months old when other ways of measuring temperature are unreliable.

2. By mouth (Oral) - Reasonably accurate but not good for kids less than five who might bite the thermometer. It can be almost impossible to get a temperature reading by mouth if you've got a stubborn one. You must make sure nothing has been eaten or drunk for 10 minutes or so before taking the temp.

3. Underarm (Axillary) - Ok for kids up to about 3 years old. Not the most accurate and it can be difficult to get a reading from a lively or restless child.

4. Forehead Strip - Quick and doesn't disturb the child much. Works with temperature sensitive crystals that change color. It has one advantage, you get a reading by gently holding the flexible strip against the forehead. This way you can even take a reading without waking your precious one. BUT it's best used as a rough guide only. Probably the least exact method of all.

5. Ear Thermometer - Very quick and normally extremely accurate. Modern infra-red ear thermometers get a reading in about a second. You must make sure it's correctly positioned but that's pretty quick and easy. The clever ones on the market can sense when it's in the right place and let you know with a beep. These tried and tested thermometers are widely used by doctors and throughout the medical profession.

6.Temporal Artery Thermometer- The latest type of thermometer. A reading is quickly obtained by sliding the device across the forehead Too new to have established itself as a reliable method yet. There have been some some issues with the technology that need to be overcome but has the potential to be the easiest and possibly the best medical thermometer.

Depending on how and where you record your child's temperature, the readings will vary. The chart below outlines the normal ranges for the different methods detailed above. So you can see that if you record using an ear thermometer for example, a reading above 100.4 °F can be regarded as above normal and hence a fever.

Measurement method Normal temperature range

Rectal 36.6°C to 38°C (97.9°F to 100.4°F)

Ear 35.8°C to 38°C (96.4°F to 100.4°F)

Oral 35.5°C to 37.5°C (95.9°F to 99.5°F)

Axillary 34.7°C to 37.3°C (94.5°F to 99.1°F)

source: Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS)

Remember always consult doctor if you have any doubts regarding the health of your child.

Infrared Thermometer - 6 Ways To Take Your Child's Temperature - Which Is Best?


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