Review Cheap Infrared Thermometer Laser
I bought this Infrared Thermometer Laser to see just how "HIGH" the high setting on my stove was. My gut told me it was well above the 500F mark. To my surprise, my stovetop, single burner glass-top, was reaching 900F. I now have an accurate breakdown of all temperatures between 250 and 900F thanks to this great tool. Actron Infrared Thermometer Laser, good work.
The laws of physics do not recognize the arrow of time, at least on the micro or quantum scale. The fundamental particles do not age. Their interactions can proceed in either time direction - past to present to future, or, future to present to past. Since the macro (like us), is made up of the micro, how come we age? Macro relationships often tend to be unidirectional, past to present to future only, what we call time's arrow or the arrow of time.
Make a film. Run it backwards. That's what I call a pseudo time reversal thought experiment. We've all seen them. They are usually funny, not so much funny ha-ha, but funny peculiar. So, at what point do you go from a viewing where there's 'nothing strange happening here', to 'that's possible' to 'that's odd' to 'that's really weird and highly improbable' to ultimately 'that's impossible'. Or, at what point do you go from acceptance of what you are seeing, albeit back-to-front, to suspecting a time reversal, to knowing you're watching a film backwards, and are their any generalities that can be drawn from this? Let's look at some ordinary examples.
There's a man sitting in his living room with the lights on, crossing and uncrossing his legs. Reverse the film - no anomaly. The man now picks up a book and reads it from front to back. Reverse the film - It's now slightly odd in that the book is being read from back to front. The lights go out. Reverse the film and the lights come on - nothing strange. The lights go out and the man picks up a flashlight and turns it on. Reverse the film - this is very strange as the light from the flashlight is instead now entering the flashlight from somewhere stage left (or right). The lights come back on and the man lights up a cigar and smokes it. Reverse the film - Now you absolutely know the film is the reverse because the cigar smoke and ash turns into cigar which grows ever longer!
Let's film that same man sitting in his chair for one hour. Run the film backwards and the odds are you won't see anything too strange. Now film the man for one second each day over the course of a decade - roughly the amount of film. Reverse the latter film - you should now certainly see something strange. The man is getting visibly younger!
Let's film a military person standing at attention for say ten minutes. Now that's not exactly an exercise in still life because the person is still moving - the eyes are blinking, the person is breathing, the heart is beating, etc. So, run the film backwards and there's nothing overly unusual. The eyelids open and close; the chest expands and contracts, the heart beats. But if you could look a bit deeper, beneath the surface, you'd note a lot of strange activity. Photons aren't entering the person's eyes; they are exiting (so in the reverse film, the person is blind). The person is breathing in lots of carbon dioxide and exhaling lots of oxygen. The heart may be beating, but the blood is flowing in the wrong direction! Food in the stomach is becoming undigested. Those are odd happenings indeed.
You're standing on the railway platform filming as the express train, the '4:50 from Paddington' (thanks Agatha) thunders by blowing its whistle. Reverse the film. There's nothing odd to be seen here. Well, trains can travel in both directions (especially if they have an engine at both ends) and you can't tell standing on and filming the platform which direction Paddington is in as there is no signage to that effect visible. But, the change in pitch of the train's whistle (the Doppler Effect*) will not be the same regardless whether it thunders by left-to-right or right-to-left. As you are filing, as the train approaches and passes you, you go from hearing a high pitch (the sound waves are compressed) to a low pitch (the sound waves are now spread apart). Reverse the film, and the order is low pitch to high pitch, even though the train is approaching (in the reverse film viewing) and receding (in the reverse film viewing). That's contrary to expectations. Ah, but also in the film frame is the station's clock, the hands of which are now going counter-clockwise! That gives the game away - unless you assume that's due to an electrical fault! [*Contrast with the filming of a galaxy moving ever faster away from us - the expanding Universe - with insert of the galaxy's spectrum lines shifting ever further towards the red. Reverse the film and the galaxy is now approaching us and the spectrum is moving in the other direction - towards the blue. That's exactly according to expectations.]
Say there's a tree swaying in the breeze. Reverse the film - no anomaly. Keep filming, and note the clouds are moving from right to left. Reverse the film - still nothing unusual. Keep rolling the film and watch the light get dimmer and dimmer as dusk approaches. Reverse the film - okay, so it's now dawn dawning. You see a bird fly away from one of the tree branches. Reverse the film - now that's odd. The bird is flying toward the tree branch, but tail first. Still, maybe it's just a very strong gust of wind blowing the bird backwards. The bird is flying away from the tree branch because the wind has cracked and broken the branch and it falls to the ground. Reverse the film - now you know its time reversed as the branch moves from the ground up and attaches itself to the tree.
Film the city late at night. The office lights go on and off; the neon signs are flashing, and the traffic lights are doing their red-green-amber-red-green-amber-red thing. Reverse the film - it's now slightly odd in that the traffic lights are going red-amber-green-red-amber green-red. That's not the normal sequence. Still, maybe its an electrical fault. Resume forward filming and see this lone automobile cruise on up the street. Reverse the film - so the car is now moving backwards. Well, it's odd but cars can move in reverse. Resume normal filming. The car is actually being driven by a drunk driver and he hits a pedestrian killing same before crashing and totally destroying his car by driving at speed into a building. Now reverse the film. Now you know it's a reversal because cars don't un-crash and the dead don't come back to life.
Film a clear sky that slowly over time shows a cloud developing and turning into a traditional storm cloud with anvil top. Reverse what you just filmed. There's no anomaly as clouds can dissipate as well as form. Continuing filming and watch the storm cloud develop a funnel and turn into a waterspout hitting the water before running out of puff and returning to its parent cloud. Reverse - nothing unusual to be seen, the water looks the same before and after regardless of time flow. Resume filming and note the funnel reforming and becoming a waterspout again, but there's this unfortunate ship that's caught up in the event and sinks. Reverse the film and because you rather suspect that ships don't un-sink, you know it's a time reversal image you're watching. Continue normal filming and see this cloud produce ball lightning that dances and floats around. Reverse the film, and I'd suspect you wouldn't suspect anything. Resume filming, and see the ball lighting go 'poof' and disappear. Now reverse the film and see the ball lighting 'un-poof' and appear from out of nowhere and out of nothing. That's very odd, but you're no expert on ball lighting so maybe it's possible. Now our cloud, in normal filming mode, produces a traditional sideways, cloud-to-cloud lighting bolt and crash of thunder. Reverse the film. What's odd, and a giveaway that the film is running back-to-front, is that you'll hear the thunder before you see the lightning. [It's also slightly odd in that the thunder starts off faint and builds in intensity, finally cutting out fairly abruptly - not in a fade-away fashion as per norm.] If that doesn't cinch it, continue filming while the cloud produces a hailstorm that batters the waters below. Reverse the picture - hail doesn't go from the ground up (hail can go up and down and up and down again and again within its parent cloud due to updrafts and downdrafts, but once it reaches the surface, that's the end of the journey).
Finally, film a symphony orchestra playing a concert. Reverse the film. There's probably nothing unusual to be witnessed. Now add the sound of the music and reverse the film - now that's weird (the 'music' that is), but maybe it's just some of that highly modern experimental atonal 'music' - except the concert program said it was to be an all Mozart concert, not that that is definitive proof - maybe it's a different Mozart! Now resume filming in the normal way and get the audience's applause. Reverse the film. There's nothing too odd here except, like the thunder example above, the applause started off softly, softly, builds up in intensity, and cuts off fairly abruptly.
One can easily come up with thousands or ordinary everyday scenarios that can evolve from being time reversible without question to 'whoa' - that's funny peculiar.
Things left to the natural way of things tend to go from order to disorder. If you see the reverse, it's suspect, probably highly improbable, but not impossible. It's just the second 'law' of thermodynamics in operation, but it's a statistical 'law' that can be broken, but rarely is, due to chance. There are lots of possible arrangements for disorder; few arrangements for something in a ordered state, so statistically, the odds favor disorder and thus you have to go to a lot of time and effort (energy expenditure) to go from disorder to order. Thus, seeing a film of a nuclear explosion in reverse, or a firearm shooting bullets in reverse or a plane un-crashing is suspect.
For example, pour out a really hot cup of coffee then start filming. Reverse the film. Apparently there's nothing odd to look at - just a cup of coffee - except, if you've filmed in infrared. If you run that infrared film backwards, you'd have the coffee get ever warmer, and the surrounding environment get ever cooler. In real life, the coffee would cool down and the immediate environment would warm up slightly. So, this is a case of things appearing normal, backwards or forwards in the visible spectrum, yet odd indeed with viewed backwards in the infrared.
Things left to the natural way of things tend to go downhill not uphill. That's gravity for you. Things traveling uphill better be expending energy, if they aren't then you are probably in The Twilight Zone. It's the old saying 'what goes up, must come down', and thus Newton's apple bonked him on the head instead of doing a Superman imitation. Film a waterfall. Reverse the film. Oops!
Things that don't have front-back symmetry left to the natural way of things tend to move in one direction, and if you see the reverse, it looks odd. Humans and companion animals tend to move forward, not backward. The same applies for most modes of transport - you don't normally pedal a bicycle backwards just like you don't drive to work in reverse, and aircraft certainly don't fly backwards. But things with front-back symmetry can, like a balloon or a rocket taking off vertically. [But said rocket, once it turns on its side loses front-back symmetry and hence looks weird flying backwards.]
The key to all of this interpretation of time reversal, IMHO, is motion, or change (there can be no change without motion and vice versa). Filming something that's standing still (no motion; no change) and playing the film backwards is a no-brainer for 'there's nothing strange happening here'.
Motion (or change) can be exhibited as left-right (LR), forward-back (FB), down-up (DU) or bottom-top (BT) or a mix of the three. Since time is a measurement of rate of change (or motion), all motion (or change) must have in addition a time dimension to it. If it didn't have a time dimension to it, it's rather silly to talk about a time reversal!
Motion of course can also be constant per unit of time, or variable per unit of time. Reversing the former is not as strange as reversing the latter.
Now for some general observations - first and foremost with respect to all things anomalous or weird, might I suggest that all else being equal, time reversing objects with high symmetry or no symmetry tends to be less weird than something in-between. So filming an amoeba, an asteroid rotating or a cloud forming, moving and dissipating (no symmetry) or a sphere in motion (a ball, a balloon) or a cube (say a dice), or a rotating tire or a Black Hole (high symmetry) isn't likely to appear strange.
Time reversing things with LR and FB symmetry, or BT asymmetry, like rockets, pencils, trees/plants (in the abstract), dry spaghetti, mountains (in the abstract), tornadoes (in the abstract), and CDs/DVDs, don't tend to appear too anomalous over the short term, at least if they aren't moving. If they are moving, then things might look odd, but within bounds of reasonableness. Of course the CDs/DVDs might be rotating the wrong way and playing from outer edge to inner edge; the rocket might be landing with all motors firing instead of taking off. Of course if filmed for a long enough period, as in time-lapse photography, you'll find it odd that plants shrink instead of grow, mountains don't erode away but grow higher, and pencil points don't become blunt but ever sharper.
Time reversing objects with only LR symmetry (vertebrates; most modes of transport like cars and planes and boats) tends to look odd. Land animals and automobiles don't tend to walk/drive backwards; fish and boats don't tend to swim/tread water backwards; birds and planes don't tend to fly backwards.
Time reversing a change in symmetry from high to low is not overly anomalous, but low to high is usually considered strange. Examples: A punctured tire (originally LR, BF, BT) deflating to (LR, BF) isn't strange; the reverse is. A pencil (LR, BF) falling over from the vertical (its radial symmetry broken) isn't anomalous, but the view in reverse is. When a car (LR symmetry) crashes (zero symmetry), that's normal - a car un-crashing most certainly isn't.
Time reversing inanimate objects (still life - natural or man-made) tends towards the less anomalous, so filming, over the short term, a cliff face, or a painting, doesn't look all that strange in reverse.
However, most artificial, man-made objects, tend to have a purpose(s) which for the most part doesn't include just sitting there looking pretty, like a painting. If such objects have a purpose, then they tend to have a before and after aspect to them - if before and after tends to be the same as after and before, then things will look the same in reverse. However, the nature of the before tends to be different than the nature of the after, so reversing the two will probably be noticed - and odd. For example, place the white bread in the toaster and toast. The bread pops up toasted. Now reverse and you go from toasted bread to un-toasted bread. Or, throw your dirty dishes in the dishwasher and wash them. Take your nice clean dishes out. Reverse the film and you now put clean dishes in the dishwasher, apparently 'wash' the dishes, and take out dirty dishes!
Time reversing simple animate objects is less anomalous than time reversing complex organisms. If I viewed a bacteria's behavior for an hour, and my cat's behavior for an hour, filmed same and reversed same, I bet I could tell that the film of the cat had been reversed, but not nearly as certain about the bacteria.
Things get odd if you time reverse events dependent upon not space, but on time itself, so time reversing objects that by their nature are affected by the passage of time will be more anomalous than objects that aren't. Film an electron for a million years and reverse - yawn. Film a rock for a million years and reverse. Over a million years, a rock will tend to erode, so the reverse is an apparent violation of entropy. Film a drop of blue ink placed and entering a glass of water at its surface and let time strut its stuff. Reverse the picture and you have a glass of pale blue water becoming clearer as all the blue bits come together at the surface in what appears to be a drop of blue ink. That's odd. Film a hot cup of coffee and place a thermometer in it. The mercury in the coffee thermometer goes up and levels off. Place another thermometer next to the cup of coffee. Over time, the coffee's thermometer registers lower and lower temperatures as the coffee cools; the outside thermometer gains a bit in temperature as heat from the coffee warms up the surrounding area. Now reverse. The coffee appears to get warmer and warmer; the adjacent area cooler and cooler. That's also odd.
Time reversing objects moving LR or FB will tend to exhibit less anomalous behavior relative to DU/BT. So, two tennis balls, one each entering upper right and lower right move towards the centre, collide, and rebound each moving off stage towards the upper left and lower left. Reverse the film - nothing strange. But, drop a tennis ball and it goes top bottom, bounces bottom top, stops, goes top bottom, etc. until friction takes its toll and the ball comes to rest on the surface. Played in reverse, a motionless ball starts vibrating, jiggling, and then bouncing ever higher and higher. That looks very odd indeed. Or, Humpty Dumpty shuffles across the garden wall left to right - reverse and Mr. Dumpty shuffles right to left. But, if someone pushes Mr. Dumpty off the garden wall and Humpty falls down and shatters, the reverse looks odd. Why? Basically, I think its because top bottom/bottom to (or up down/down up) is associated with gravity and gravity is a one way (pull) force. Time reversal makes gravity a push force, something that's well outside our day-to-day experiences.
Time reversal of steady-as-she-goes motion (constant velocity) is bound to be less anomalous than accelerated motion. A tennis ball moves at constant velocity left to right; ditto right to left in a reversal. A tennis ball hit by the server decelerates (due to friction) as it moves toward the opposite court. If the opposing player returns the ball in the normal course of events, then the ball will also be decelerating as it approaches the original server. Reverse the film, and when you get to the original beginning, the original server finds the ball accelerating as it approaches. How very odd.
Time reversal in the micro world is a lot less anomalous than in the macro. Drop a uranium atom and a piece of dry pasta in a pot of boiling water. Reverse the picture. Which now looks odd - the micro or the macro? In the world of the micro, an electron and a positron meeting up for a date will quickly find their relationship in strife as they mutually annihilate and give off energy. But, the reverse is also possible. The vacuum energy can spontaneously produce matter-antimatter particle pairs. Now look at a chemical macro situation. An acid plus a base will react to form a salt and water. For example, the base sodium hydroxide (NaOH), will react with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to form table salt (NaCl) and water (H2O). But note that salt water, brine - our oceans - don't revert naturally back into sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. Chemical reactions that proceed of their own accord in one direction can of course be reversed, but it takes a bit of prodding. Without evidence of that prodding, the reverse reaction looks odd. So, running a film of that chemistry experiment backwards will look odd.
There's nothing strange happening here: Still life. Motion too can be within this category. Toss a ball up in the air and it comes down again. If you reverse that, you still get an up and then down trajectory. Dig a hole and make a pile of dirt; take a pile of dirt and drop it into a hole.
That's possible: A rocket ship can blast off and head straight up; a rocket ship, all engines blasting, can descend and land. While that's certainly not the way the Redstone, Atlas, Saturn rockets and space shuttle worked, it's possible, as the Lunar Surveyors and LEM and how the Mars Viking surface craft, landed. It's possible to film the launch of a V-2 and reverse the film and conclude that such an event was possible.
That's odd: Events showing objects without front-back symmetry moving contrary to expectations is certainly odd, but possible. Humans can walk backwards. Cars can travel in reverse gear. Birds can fly backwards if the wind is strong enough; ditto fish if the current is strong enough. Seeing a plane fly backwards is probably odd enough as to send you heading off to see the optometrist, the shrink, or attend AA meetings.
That's really weird and highly improbable: You'd place viewings of apparent violations of the 2nd 'law' of thermodynamics (like a box of air molecules all moving in such a fashion that the faster/warmer molecules congregate in one half of the box and the slower/cooler molecules get together in the opposite half); and events hinting at antigravity, in such a category. Another case might be relativities so called 'twin paradox'. Take two identical twins. One stays at home and the other boldly goes and travels at near light speed to a faraway destination somewhere out there, then reverses direction and heads for home. Upon arrival home, the boldly going twin appears a lot younger than her stay-at-home twin sister. Reverse the chain of events and you'll have the stay-at-home sister growing younger as a result of her twin gallivanting around the cosmos! Take an inflated balloon and pop it, or let go of the end and watch it fly erratically around. Reverse that image. You're sure to bet your life's savings which viewing is forwards and which is backwards.
That's impossible: There's only one real example here. Film a macro object entering a Black Hole. Reverse the film. Since nothing (except Hawking radiation) can escape from the gravitational pull of a Black Hole, any film showing such an event is not just suspect and highly improbable - it's flat out impossible.
Conclusion: Watching film in reverse can be fun and if you think about what you're watching - the behind the scenes - educational.
Iguanas are tropical lizards so if you are from countries that have four seasons, heating is very important to ensure a healthy iguana. Infrared lamps are used by some iguanas keepers as a heating source. These large bulbs produce a red light as well as infrared heat. But fixtures do not need to produce light to produce heat. Appropriate heat sources that do not produce lights are as follows.
Human heating pads- Human heating pads are large, relatively inexpensive and lasts for years. They are a useful addition to the iguana enclosure or than made-for-reptile products. They are also easily cleaned and disinfected and also easy to remove to new location if needed. Another benefit of human heating pads is that they can be use both inside and under the tank.
Pig of farrowing pads (also called pig blankets)- These are rigid fiber-glass panels covering heat elements. They are sturdy, easy to clean and disinfect, and comes in variety of sizes with a flexible metal-wrapped cord. They radiate heat and are useful in providing bottom heat that rises. You can order them through farm supply catalogs as well as through herp supply catalogs. You may also be able to order them through your local farm and ranch suppliers.
Infrared ceramic heating elements (CHE) - The infrared heat produced by a CHE is focused downwards, resulting in a relatively small coned shaped zone of heat. They are useful for heating up small enclosure. Infrared CHE may not do more than provide a limited basking area for a large iguana in a large enclosure.
If you decide to use CHE, you must install it in a fixture with a porcelain, not plastic socket. The heat thrown upward from the CHE is hot enough to melt plastic and start a fire.
Infrared panels- These are large panels made to install against the wall, and they heat up a large area than CHE.
How many overhead radiant heat sources you need depends on how well insulated your iguanas enclosure is and the ambient room temperature. You know you have enough when your thermometers show that the heat sources are producing enough heat to maintain the necessary temperature.
I hope that the above information may be able to let you decide on the best heating for your iguanas and do remember that your iguanas needs heat to have a healthy growth.
Ghost Hunting
Ghost hunting or paranormal investigating, as it is commonly called; is a rapidly growing worldwide phenomenon. Chasing the spirit world, adventurous pseudo-scientists painstakingly record and review evidence of the paranormal. They utilize a wide variety of scientific equipment to support the existence of ghostly beings.
The demographics of the enthusiastic pursuers of the afterlife cross all the usual boundaries. Ghost hunters are culturally diverse, young and old, male and female, upper and middle class, white collar and blue collar workers combined. There is no stereotypical picture of a paranormal investigator, and anyone can join the hunt. There are no clear cut rules for either avid researchers or curiosity seekers who are trying out a new hobby.
However, serious ghost hunters are very particular about what types of evidence they put out as factual evidence of a haunting. Amateurs should be careful about what they choose to display to the world as actual evidence of the paranormal. Those who consider themselves to be the real deal are on a mission to present clear and irrefutable evidence to the skeptics of the world that the paranormal truly exists. Hoaxes and questionable pieces of evidence damage the credibility of the entire community. It might be wise to keep smiley faced orbs to yourself! The upsurge in popularity of the paranormal has been spurred on by the numerous reality shows about ghost hunting on television, celebrity ghost stories, and the growing acceptance of unexplained phenomenon in today's culture. The concept is no longer taboo in most circles and has become essentially mainstreamed in the media.
Related industry and celebrated ghost tours have enjoyed an overall increase in popularity as well. In some major cities, ghost tours have almost doubled in size since 2006. Haunted hotels, historical sites, and other locations frequented by the dearly departed have become solidly booked tourist attractions. One survey conducted in 2008 by the Associated Press and Ipsos reported a full 34% of Americans believe n ghosts. A Gallup poll conducted in 2005 showed one third, 32%, said they believed; indicating the numbers are on the rise. Other surveys site the belief in haunted houses as one of the more compelling items on the test survey. Evidently, everyone loves a haunted house.
Ghost hunters utilize a wide variety of tools of the trade to aid in their quest to prove the paranormal is real. The equipment ranges in price and sophistication from the ridiculously simple to the outrageously complex-and expensive. Most items are easily accessible and can be purchased at the hardware store or from on-line ghost hunting equipment shops.
Common LED flashlights, digital and mercury thermometers, walkie-talkies, and motion detectors are staples in most ghost hunting kits for obvious reasons. EMF (electromagnetic field) detectors are fairly inexpensive tools as well. These small but mighty gadgets pick up electrical fields at varying frequencies. Paranormal research theories perpetuate the belief that spiritual energy will create changes in electromagnetic fields as it manifests itself in the environment. (Unfortunately, so will man-made electricity.) Some investigators use a simple compass as a back up to the EMF detector because it will also react to changes in the Earth's magnetic field and remains unaffected by modern sources of electricity.
More complex, high dollar equipment can be incorporated into the array of ghost hunting gadgets, such as infrared thermal imaging devices or scanners used to enable the investigator to view temperature variations from a distance and ion counters that measure positive and negative ions in the air that serve to capture anomalous conditions in the haunted environment.
One can purchase white noise generators and computer software designed to enhance EVP's (electromagnet voice phenomenon) in conjunction with laptops and tablet PC's. The EVP's are purported to be spirit sounds or voices that operate on sound frequencies not audible to the human ear. They can only be heard when audio recording devices are played at a later time. Most EVP's are widely open to interpretation but they can be tons of fun and extremely compelling, even to the untrained ear. Nothing says "Boo!" like a good EVP.
In contrast to the scientific route of collecting evidence some paranormal investigating teams are more metaphysically minded and choose to use mystic methods of communicating with the dead. They may defer to Reiki Masters, dowsing rods, old-fashioned séances, or psychic mediums in their quest for answers. Demonologists and members of the clergy may even be asked to lend a helping hand in extreme cases of negative spiritual energy run amok.
Yet, other teams use a combination of all of the above in their quest for answers. Whatever the methodology; a healthy dose of skepticism is a necessary component for any ghost hunting crew. Finding real world answers and debunking claims of spiritual activity is a huge part of the process. Sorting out very simple logical explanations from extraordinary evidence requires a rational attitude and the heart of a skeptic.
Some paranormal researchers report that greater than 90 % of paranormal claims can be debunked by an experienced team of investigators. Most often, things that go bump in the night can be easily removed by any number of real world problem solving techniques-and plumbers or electricians. But, it is the other 10% that keep the crafty ghost hunters going back for more.
Many profound personal experiences with the paranormal are just that. They are profoundly personal and occur spontaneously; involving the senses of touch or smell in addition to sight and hearing. It can be impossible to adequately share that type of personal experience with others except by verbal description. Sometimes the sensory perceptions have no particular significance to anyone other than the one who experiences it, and even then; it is easier to pass an unexplainable incident off as random cosmic coincidence rather than to consider spiritual explanations.
I don't believe science will ever confirm the existence of ghosts in the physical world. No scientific link has ever been provided thus far despite the feverish attempts of the world's ghost hunters to provide one. Scientific methodology is not likely to effectively provide that link. Ghosts do not act on command. Most often when an amazing paranormal event is captured on video or audio equipment; it is a onetime only thing. It isn't likely to happen again in exactly the same way. That makes it extremely difficult to duplicate results over time. It is impossible to validate studies. Does that mean ghosts don't exist? I think that is up to every individual to decide for themselves. I believe there are mysteries in our world that we just won't solve. I understand the curiosity, the desire to explore the unknown, and like many others; I am fascinated by it. But, some things are just not meant to be understood in this lifetime. Someday we will all know what happens to us when we die. Until then, I hope people will keep on exploring, developing new technology, and sharing their experiences. Good luck and happy hunting!
Labels: Hunting
Infrared Thermometers Introduction
Now Infrared thermometers are widely used because of its reliability and versatility. The most striking features of this temperature is that it can measuring the temperature of the object even without touching it. So it is widely known in the name of non-contact thermometer.
How do the IR thermometers work?
Unlike the traditional thermometers, it is possible for an IR thermometer to detect temperature without any direct contact with the object, since it can detect the energy level of the subject to determine its temperature. There is a sensor in the infrared thermometer that can convert infrared energy of the object into temperature units. In this way it needs to take the regular ambient temperature into account and calculate the difference. The result can come out instantly.
Where to use the IR thermometers
The features of the IR thermometers -measure the temperature without touching the object makes it possible to gauge the objects that are miles away. It is popular used in many fields. Such as used in the meteorological department to forecast the weather, to measure body temperature and in food industry and so on. Some people hate touching a traditional thermometer under their tongue or underarms, the infrared thermometer is an ideal option for them. It can also be used in food processing industry as it can measure the temperature without contacting the food and thus preventing it from getting contaminated. This kind of thermometer can even measure the temperature of moving objects which is hard to measure by traditional temperature.
Different types of IR thermometers
There are many different types of IR thermometer, each has its own features. Mini Thermometers are pocket-sized which are perfect for technicians to gather a quick reading. Stick Style Thermometers are widely used, such as food preparation, fire safety, HVAC, electrical, and refrigeration. There are also many other types, the user can choose the type according to the purposes.
Buy it at an affordable price
The infrared thermometers used to be too expensive to own it, but the price has dramatically fallen for the developments in technology. You can own one now.
Do not wait any more, choosing a suitable infrared thermometer for yourself, your life can be more convenient.
Labels: Infrared, Introduction, Thermometers
Uses and Advantages of an Infrared Thermometer With Laser Pointer
0 comments Posted by Cesilia at 10:08 AMUses and Advantages of an Infrared Thermometer With Laser Pointer
Infrared Thermometer with Laser Pointer is the revolutionary addition in the world of infrared thermometer. If you are a frequent travelers and love to visit many places may be you have come across such thermometer. Infrared Thermometer with Laser Pointer looks much like the supermarket price scanners. These types of thermometers play a crucial role when there is an outbreak of SARS, Avian Flu or Swine flu. This is so because Infrared Thermometer with Laser Pointer helps in detecting people with temperatures that is higher than normal.
Uses of Laser Pointer Thermometers
So, are laser pointer thermometers being used only in detecting the body temperature? Of course not. These with Laser Pointer is used in a wide variety of purposes. No doubt they are used in the public places widely but they are useful in household works as well. Infrared Thermometer with Laser Pointer is more innocuous in public places but if you have small children at home it can be really helpful to you. Sometimes your children can be very fussy when they're sick. They start complaining and fidget because they are not feeling well. An infrared thermometer can solve your problem with rightly measure the temperature in your kids.
The doctors or the medical professionals who are on the travel or on mission to save lives use the infrared thermometers. This act as the helpful instruments to determine whether there is the symptom of outbreak for any disease. In epidemic situation the thermometers work well because they can't spread infection because they not need to be taken in direct contact with the person in fever.
Using the thermometer is simple. For using the infrared thermometer all you need to do is to point it 1 to 5 centimeters away from the object whose temperature you want to measure. Immediately the temperature read will be shown in the display screen. Temperatures can be displayed in both Celsius and Fahrenheit and you can adjust it in the mode you would prefer to see it. The temperature is measured by detecting the heat signature on the surface by optic sensors.
Infrared thermometer with laser pointer is widely used in scientific and research matters. It is also used by the veterinarians for our pets. These can be helpful for the mechanics as well. They come in tremendous help to the mechanics in determining if any certain part or parts of the car or motorcycle is not functioning properly. For checking the parts in optimal level they come to great help to the mechanics. Some mechanics even recommend that having such a thermometer as part of your car maintenance kit is not a bad idea.
If you are interested about buying the infrared thermometer with laser pointer you should check out the best stores to get it. Many manufactures out there have manufactured the thermometer of their own. These include Mastercool, Fluke, Extech, Raytek Ryobi and others. When you have decided about buying one for your use choose the one from these brands and be sure you are going to get the best deal.
Labels: Advantages, Infrared, Pointer, Thermometer
Testo 830-t2 Ir W/dual Laser Dual Tech Thermometers Review
Testo 830-t2 Ir W/dual Laser Dual Tech Thermometers Feature
- Accuracy: +-1.
- Manufacturer's Part Number: 05608302.
- Series Number: 825.
- Working Distance: 6.
- Type: IR & K. No Description: 32352. Vendor Item Number: 05608258. Maximum Target Diameter: 1. Minimum Target Diameter: 3. Type: Contact/Non-contact Thermometers. Minimum Temperature (°F): -60. Maximum Temperature (°F): 750. Power Supply: 2 1.5AAA.
Testo 830-t2 Ir W/dual Laser Dual Tech Thermometers Overview
Contact/Non-Contact Thermometer Type: Contact/Non-contact Thermometers Minimum Temperature (°F): -60 Maximum Temperature (°F): 750Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 21, 2011 11:03:27
Labels: 830t2, Thermometers, Wdual
Fluke-68IS Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer (FL244210) by Fluke
0 comments Posted by Cesilia at 1:04 PMI Know You Are Looking For Fluke Fluke-68IS To Buy On Best Price And Best Promotions. Or Looking For Review And Compare Price To Decision Before Get The Best Buy Fluke Fluke-68IS And Making A Purchase. Congratulations To You!! Because This Time Fluke-68IS Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer (FL244210) by Fluke In This Store Is On Sale!! And Discount To Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. This Store Is Help You To Save Money Every Way Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.
Fluke Fluke-68IS
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Jul 20, 2011 15:03:58 |
Usually ships in 6-10 business days |
Features - Fluke-68IS Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer (FL244210) by Fluke
- Laser guided sighting system for easy targeting with 1 % accuracy
- 12-point data logging
- Advanced optics to measure smaller targets at greater distances
- Adjustable emissivity for more accurate temperature measurements
- Expanded measurement range up to 760 ºC (1400 ºF)
If You Search For UEi To Buy On Save Price And Best Promotions. Or Search For Review And Compare Price To Decision Before Get The Best Buy UEi And Making A Purchase. Congratulations To You!! Because This Time UEI INF185 Scout II Infrared Thermometer HVAC NEW In This Store Is On Sale!! And Discount To Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. This Store Is Help You To Save Money Every Way Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.
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Jul 13, 2011 12:15:07 |
Usually ships in 1-2 business days |
Features - UEI INF185 Scout II Infrared Thermometer HVAC NEW
- An everyday quality IR thermometer
- Offer advanced trend analysis for professionals
- A work light has been added for low visibility
- User adjustable hi / low alarm
- Adjustable emissivity levels
Labels: INF185, Infrared, Thermometer
I Know You Search For UEi To Buy On Best Price And Best Promotions. Or Search For Review And Compare Price To Decision Before Get The Best Buy UEi And Making A Purchase. Congratulations To You!! Because This Time UEI INF215 Scout 3 Infrared Thermometer HVAC NEW In This Store Is On Sale!! And Discount To Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. This Store Is Help You To Save Money Every Way Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.
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Jul 10, 2011 22:16:06 |
Usually ships in 1-2 business days |
Features - UEI INF215 Scout 3 Infrared Thermometer HVAC NEW
- An everyday quality IR thermometer
- For quick spot checks
- Essential for use on targets at greater distances
- Extreme temperature sampling
- Low life battery indicator
Labels: INF215, Infrared, Thermometer
I Know You Are Looking For MasterCool To Buy On Great Price And Best Promotions. Or Search For Review And Compare Price To Decision Before Get The Best Buy MasterCool And Making A Purchase. Congratulations To You!! Because This Time INFRARED THERMOMETER W/LASER RANGES -76 TO 1200 F In This Store Is On Sale!! And Discount To Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. This Store Is Help You To Save Money Every Way Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.
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$95.00 |
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Jul 08, 2011 21:15:44 |
Usually ships in 3-4 business days |
Labels: Infrared, RANGES, Thermometer, wLaser
I Know You Are Looking For Fire To DealPurchase On Save Price And Worth Promotions. Or Search For Review And Compare Price To Decision Before Get The Best Buy Fire And Making A Purchase. Congratulations To You!! Because This Time Raytek Infrared Laser Thermometer In This Store Is On Sale!! And Discount To Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. This Store Is Help You To Save Money Every Way Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.
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Jul 05, 2011 18:15:11 |
Usually ships in 1-2 business days |
Features - Raytek Infrared Laser Thermometer
Labels: Infrared, Raytek, Thermometer
If You Search For CenTech To DealPurchase On Great Price And Best Promotions. Or Search For Review And Compare Price To Decision Before Get The Best Buy CenTech And Making A Purchase. Congratulations To You!! Because This Time Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer with Laser In This Store Is On Sale!! And Discount To Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. This Store Is Help You To Save Money Every Way Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.
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Jul 01, 2011 04:15:47 |
Usually ships in 1-2 business days |
Features - Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer with Laser
- Professional-quality, infrared technology at an excellent value
- Temperature range: -4° F/-20° C to 968° F/520° C
- Accuracy: +3° F/+2° C or 2% of reading
- Distance-to-spot ratio: 8 to 1
- 9 volt DC battery included
Labels: Aluminum, Compact, Crosse, Flashlight, Infrared, NonContact, Professional, smallsilver, Station, Technology, Thermometer, Weather, WS1510UIT